An Introduction To Filmmaking Terminology

Filmmaking is one of the art forms that have flourished throughout the ages and continue to do so. Film is a form of art that can be used to create movies. Filmmakers usually have to follow specific guidelines in order to get their films approved. Many factors go into the approval process such as length, subject, format, style and creativity. In this article I will discuss Filmmaking and its importance.

FILM. The term or process of producing a motion picture, specifically a feature film. Also known as motion picture. A short non-verbal subject (a scene or a piece of speech) which acts as the main subject or the main topic of an artistic work or as the basis of a fictional work.

FMP. Another important aspect of FIMM is the audience. The audience is the people who will see the movie. The movie can be viewed by the public either on DVD, Video on Demand, streaming through the internet or via broadcast television. The term used for a motion picture that has been approved for theatrical release is called a “Poster” or “Sticker”.

FMP. The term FMP is often used interchangeably with FIMM. In some cases the term may also be used to describe independent motion pictures that are meant for only visual presentation and not intended to be screened publicly. Examples of these types of films would be movies about art, architecture, real life events, etc. The connotation of the term FMP is that these types of films lack the formal standardization of a “Poster” or “Sticker”.

PROD. The connotation of the word PROD is that the production of the motion pictures is the process by which the movie is released for viewing. There are two words involved here: “product” and “production”. The product refers to the overall production of the film, and the production refers to the methods, equipment and methods used to create the product.

FIMM. The connotation of the word FIMM is that motion pictures contain visual images that portray the action within the film. Motion pictures can include actual filming and editing, as well as using pre-recorded media. The use of pre-recorded media allows the filmmakers to control the pace of the film, the graphics, the sound, and much more. The term FIMM is frequently used in conjunction with the term PROD.

SPH. The connotation of the term SPH is often classified under the idea that it is used to refer to the type of communication in a movie. For instance, in a movie about a dog chasing a mouse, the dialogue would often be in the form of SPH, i.e. “Are you trying to make me go chase the little mouse?” This is very broad, but it gives you a good place to start. The term may also be used to refer to the sort of visual presentation of a motion picture.

Other connotations of the word FIMM are descriptions of certain film techniques that filmmakers often use in their work. For instance, many movies and documentaries incorporate long shots, especially when establishing a character’s environment, or when showing an important historical event. Similarly, many works will include a number of close-up shots of specific people, places, or objects. The connotation of the term FIMM is that these kinds of shots contribute to the plot, and that filmmakers who employ them do so to create an impact, and that they should be considered integral parts of the film.

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